How to React When Your Maid Go Wrong

How to React When Your Maid Go Wrong

Being one of the fastest growing economies in the world today, Malaysia is no doubt a very interesting place to live in. Aside being home to one of the best industries that offer the best possible jobs and living in the world, it is also a typical characteristic of mega city life. Combining work with home management in Malaysia could be very tasking; a reason for which a maid service from a maid agency might becomes highly essential.

One might want to ask the question as to why they need the service of a maid agency or agent in the choice of a suitable maid services. Aside being the controller of your home while you’re away, your maid is also in charge of your family welfare; and a form of security or vulnerability. While a maid agent would be at best to serve the link between yourself and the maid services you require, maintaining proper relationship with maid is one other way to get the best out maids. Below are few tips to guide your reaction when dealing with an erring maid especially by one requiring a maid service in Malaysia:

  1. Be the Friendly Boss: – the human mind is one that reacts to fear and courage in equal magnitude. Research has shown that friendly bosses get the best out of maids better than the unfriendly ones. When your maid see him/herself as an essential part of your home, the error such maid would make will be minimal as confidence is believed to engender efficiency.

  2. Respond to Maid mistakes with a smile: – gone though are the days of unprofessionalism in the conduct of maid services. Maid agencies today not only provide you with a suitable maid, but also with a professional one in the conduct of home affairs and relation with their host family. Notwithstanding, to err is an inevitable part of the human nature, and this suggests why the employer should learn to deal with maid’s mistakes. When you correct people with a smile, you pass deep emotional messages; so much that it endures for a lifetime. A good employer is not the type that nags, but rather one that corrects with a smile.

  3. Be constructive: – some mistakes are inevitable, while some are avoidable. A maid employer must learn to discern the difference between these two in other to address mistakes from maids decisively when they are made. Corrections lacking in constructivism might send a nagging signal to the maid, so take note.

  4. Correct your maid with actions: – it is not just enough to dish out commands as to the appropriate manner in which a task should be executed. If possible, do it and make your maid watch you do. That is a better way of forestalling any future error.

  5. Do not result to physical assault: – battering or the use of abusive words is never a good reaction to correcting mistakes from an erring maid, never should you fall this low.

It is however important to note that your maid has the master key to your life, treat them well else they mess your life up. With the right approach, maids are undoubtedly the best of companions and helpers.

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